Acupuncture Practitioner
Clare Foley is one of the most experienced and scientifically-motivated acupuncture practitioners in Dublin. With a wealth of experience both in Ireland and China, and a commitment to finding out exactly how acupuncture works, Clare is the leading expert in Dublin ready to give you a science-backed and results-driven approach to acupuncture.
Whatever condition you’re looking to alleviate with acupuncture therapy, Clare has the expertise to walk you through the process and what the acupuncture can do for you. Throughout her years delivering the treatment for a range of conditions, Clare’s developed a specialist knowledge that you won’t be able to find elsewhere in Dublin; whether from her multiple biophysics degrees focused on the brain or her experience working in the field, the level of expertise that Clare offers is unrivalled.
For conditions as far-reaching as anxiety, mental health problems, infertility, and more, acupuncture at the Transformative Pathways clinic could be the perfect option. Be sure to get in touch with Clare for a session with the most experienced acupuncture therapist in Dublin.
Chinese Medical Practitioner
Clare spent 7 months in Beijing to learn the intricacies and nuances of Traditional Chinese Medicine, alongside learning Mandarin to a conversational level. Receiving one-to-one training with some of the leading experts in China and dealing with patients throughout her training, Clare developed a deep understanding of TCM and acupuncture, and now offers some of the most advanced therapies available in Dublin.
Get in Touch
Book an appointment with Clare at Transformative Pathways and find out how acupuncture can help you with a range of different conditions. Whatever you’re suffering with, be sure to check out the acupuncture clinic today. We can’t wait to start working with you.